
Little $uzie Apartment Osaka

アパレルショップの内装計画。 場所は大阪・南船場にあるビル、大阪農林会館内で、1930年に三菱商事のオフィスとして建てられた近代建築の中には現在、ファッション関係のショップやオフィスなどが多く集まっている。 

既存空間は建設当時の雰囲気を感じることのできるアーチ梁や装飾壁、大きな2つの窓がある特徴的な空間であった。 依頼は内装設計であったものの、現状で十分魅力的な空間に新たに内装として手を加えることは、必要がないと感じた。しかし、ヴィンテージビルとアパレルブランドの商品という明快な対比の構図を店舗空間として作ると、モノそれぞれには目が向かうものの、それらへの意識が自然と混ざりって生まれる空間を体験することは難しい。そこで、既存空間と商品のスケールの架け橋となる中間的な要素を設計し、ドアノブや洋服から柱梁まで、大小さまざまな古さと新しさがおおらかにつながり合うことで、空間の全体性を浮かび上がらせることができないかと考えた。


This Interior design project for an apparel store is located inside Osaka Norin Kaikan Minami-Semba, Osaka. This modern building was originally build in 1930 as an office for Mitsubishi Corporation. It is now home to many fashion-related stores and offices. 

The existing space was characterized by arch beams, decorative walls, and two large windows that gave a sense of the atmosphere at the time of construction. Although the initial request was for an interior design, we felt it was unnecessary to change any of existing interior structure as it was attractive enough in its current state. It was easy to draw attention to each products if we create a store with a clear contrasting composition on a vintage building and and apparel brand products, but the experience of the space where awareness towards these things naturally mixes is lost. We proposed to design an intermediate element that would bridge existing space and  products. This brings out the wholeness of the space by generously connecting new and old elements of various sizes, from doorknobs and clothes to pillars and beams.

In the existing space, we decided not to build walls which separates the backyard and fitting room, but designed each fixtures and doors as an independent volumes so that the entire space can be seen from anywhere and zoned the store by arranging and configuring each volumes. In addition, by carefully setting an abstract scale and materiality to these volumes so that they do not lean toward categories such as clothing, furniture, or space, each volumes act as a medium that connects each of the elements that make up the space. This project sought for a possibility of a flexible store space by having these designed mediums creating connections to all the elements in the space and acting freely at the same time.

Collaboration with Masaki Kato

Photo by Natsumi Kinugasa


Little $uzie Apatment Pop-up Shop


Drifting House