建築家とキュレーターの3ヶ月に及ぶ現場住み込み期間中に両者の手によって設計、改装がなされたプロジェクトスペース、アサクサについての展示。 図面、模型を用いずその場でディスカッション、スタディ、解体、施工を繰り返し、建築のマクロな部分に対するアイデアを積み重ねていくことで空間全体を作り上げていったプロセスに倣い、本展覧会では1:1というスケールに焦点を当てて展示を構成した。
1:1 Deliberation
This exhibition describes the 3-month in-residence collaborative renovation process on Asakusa; a private gallery space, taken between I, architect Kosaku Matsumoto, and curator Koichiro Osaka. Architectural drawings and modeling beforehand were deliberately left out of the design process, rather taking an ongoing cycle style. Onsite discussion, study, dismantling, and construction were repeated over and over for each detail, gradually approaching the final product.
In this exhibition, I attempt to make a life size recreation of this design/construction process. The visitor is presented with representative fragments of the building by differing means, such as models, detail photographs, and experimental material used for discussion, all in 1:1 scale. These items provide detailed information on how the space was delicately altered, though with deliberate abstractness allowing the observer to imagine how the building would look/feel like. Furthermore, I strived to realise the abstractness people perceive when they see scale models, in much higher-resolution.
This exhibit aimed not only to describe the Asakusa project, but still have room for the visitor to freely ponder over 1:1 thinking.
Photo by Satoshi Shigeta, Ryuji Minami