

建築家・松本光索と美術家・山極満博による協働プロジェクト。 本プロジェクトでは、日常生活における何気ない所作を見つめ直し、作品を通して身体やもの、それに関わる空間を捉え直すきっかけを生み出すことをテーマとした。 普段の生活の中で、特に意識することなく行われる動作は数多く存在する。例えば、着物を着た時、その服の構造ゆえに狭い歩幅や足の運び方など、歩くことはいつもと違って少し特別な行為へと変化する。その時、人は改めて”歩くこと”について考え、自分自身の所作や周りの環境に意識を向ける。




New Balance of Life

This is the collaboration project of architect Kosaku Matsumoto and artist Mitsuhiro Yamagiwa. We attempt to review our casual behaviour in daily life and the surrounding space between our body and objects through the works.

In our everyday lives, most body movements are subconscious.  For example, when you wear the traditional Japanese garb, ‘kimono’, ordinary movements like “walking” turns to an extra-ordinary action; you will be forced to walk with short-steps and be suddenly self-aware of “how to walk” due to its form. In this instance, we think about “how to walk” again and become more conscious of our movements, behaviour and surroundings. We made three works, a shoe rack, a cup hanger and a plate rack, (as a behaviour of propping up shoes, a behaviour of hanging and a behaviour of paused moment). Stainless steel sheet was bent with the least bending required for structural strength, and the highly polished mirror finish changes its appearances delicately according to placement.

Each work displays a precariously balanced object. The instability forces the user to first carefully observe how balance and equilibrium would manifest before placing an item, quite different from what we would expect from simply placing something on a normal shelf. The shape of shoes, size of cup handles, texture of plates and unevenness of walls and floors… overlooked details and nuances suddenly come to attention.

If these works will function to enlarge resolution of our everyday lives, it might bring us new comfort and new balance of life to our current pragmatical life which consists of a continuous sequence of behaviour.

Photo by Nobutada OMOTE


The Hat's Limitation


Library in Komagome