強く 楽しく いきる 場所
Stronger Happier Living
Interior design project for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym in Kyoto, Japan. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a grappling-oriented martial art that developed from the techniques handed down to Brazil by judoist Mitsuyo Maeda in the first half of the 20th century, mainly from judo's newaza and other techniques. Today, many people practice jujutsu for the purpose of fitness and self-defense, and its popularity around the world is remarkable. Incidentally, the designer himself has been involved in this martial art for several years.
One of the interesting aspects of jujutsu is that there are many situations in which logical techniques can outperform physical ability. For example, it is not unusual to see a middle-aged man with 10 years of jiu-jitsu experience take a muscular college student, a jiu-jitsu beginner, by the hand in practice. Such is the importance of skill in jiu-jitsu that it is sometimes referred to as a lifelong sport, as the risk of injury is lower than in other contact sports.
The existing space is long and narrow, with a frontage of 5.5 m and a depth of 15.5 m. Normally, the central issue in planning a gym would have been how to secure a large space for practice. However, a dojo should be functional as a sports facility, and at the same time, it is very important to have an aspect as a place for open communication where various people can come and go. Considering these elements, the shower and changing rooms are compactly located in the same area with the existing restrooms as a border, and the practice space and lounge are located in the other area.
In the practice space, a 12-meter-long bench was installed to provide a place where students can take a break during practice and socialize after lessons. An additional lockable door had to be installed at the entrance, which is located almost in the center of the practice space, but instead a retractable shoe box and a curtain were installed to save space. The spatial experience of entering the dojo through the goodwill gently encourages a physical and mental transition from daily life to the extraordinary.
The students come to the dojo several times a week after work or on weekends to train with friends who share the same goals. It is not just about sweating and acquiring skills; it is also about the relationship between people, their lives, and society through physical communication, which is something different from the usual. For those who are devoted to jujutsu, the dojo is a third place to live, along with home and work. I hope that this space, which is reached through the back door of daily life, will continue to be a place of strength, fun, and life for many people. I would also like to contribute to the spread of Brazilian jiu-jitsu by going to this dojo, which I designed myself, every day to face the art of jiu-jitsu.
Photo by Natsumi Kinugasa